 deutsche Website
last update 10-07-2024
here we go
Welcome to
 Mr. Picolino and Mr. Einstein
Photo Biagini
Rydeen Amber and Gold
Rydeen Collietreff
our german website / unsere deutsche webseite
find us on facebook !!
... A new page with youngster Paddy is on air ...
... My beloved Orlando as a lovely present of my wife is now at Rydeen ...
... Lola has won open class with Exc1 CAC and RCACIB in Chemnitz ...
... Super Day in Penig !! Lola won open class, Best Bitch, Best of Breed and finaly BEST IN SHOW !! ...
... My beloved Lola now fulfils the conditions for being German Champion !! ...
... At his first Show Orlando has won the intermediate class in Kiel with Exc1 and CAC !! ...
... Orlando won his second CAC in the intermediate class in Gelsenkirchen !! ...
... My Orlando won his third CAC and for crowning BOS at the SRA in Wutha Farnroda !! ...
... Orlando passed his hip check with a very good "A " !! ...
      ... New photos from Orlando !! ...
      ... Orlando has won "Clubsieger 2021" in Marienfeld !! ...
      ... Orlando won also Exc 1, CAC in Garbsen and in Klaistow !! ...
... I had to say Goodbye to my beloved Diamond, Rydeen Jambalou, R.I.P. my best friend !! ...
      ... We have wondeful puppies from Orlando and Kathy !! ...
      ... Pedigree of the pups completed !! ...
      ... New puppy photos with 9 weeks !! ...
      ... The names of the puppies !! ...
      ... New photo of Stacy !! ...
      ... Youngster !! ...
      ... Promising puppies at Rydeen !! ...
... Orlando won CAC and BOS in Gäufelden and fullfilled his German Champion title!! ...
... New Puppy photos with twelf weeks !! ...
... Some special show results !! ...
... New photo of my Sheyla , Ch Rydeen Question 'n Answer ...
... Sheyla is now Champion Luxemburg !! ...
... New show results of Sheyla and Shelby ...